AMO Amatrice
The entire world was shocked by the terrible earthquake that struck Amatrice, Italy, in the middle of the night on the 23rd of August 2016. Over the past few weeks, Italian restaurants in New York City have come together to support the earthquake victims in Amatrice with the initiative called AMO AMAtriciana. A percentage from each order of Pasta Amatriciana was sent to Italy to assist the Earthquake victims. On October 2nd, 2016, the chefs from the AICNY ( Associazione Italiana Chefs New York) support the victims of Amatrice. In “A Day in Little Italy,” Each dish of Amatriciana was offered at $5.00, and we collected over $5,000 in few hours.

AMO Houston
In September 2017 the Grand Opening of the newest store in Manhattan of Orologio & Bellucci is dedicated to the victims of Hurricane Harvey in Houston, The event was held at the Michelangelo Hotel in New York City. We invited some of the very best Italian restaurants in NY to offer food to our guests and we asked our guests to purchase raffles tickets not only to win beautiful gifts from generous donors but also to support our good cause. Thank you to all our donor’s outstanding Italian restaurant and pizzeria in NY and our wine and Vodka Roberto Caporuscio at Keste` pizzeria, Rosanna Di Michele at Donna Margherita, Francesco Settanni at Masseria Dei Vini Alberto Tartari at Il Baretto, Francesco Realmuto at L’Arte Del Gelato, Bruno D’Ascanio at Montcalm wineries, Frank Guerrera at Punzone Organic Vodka. Thank you to all our raffles donors Giulio Bonaccio at Orologio, Nedo Bellucci at Bellucci, Ornella Fado at Brindiamo!, Jennifer Callipo at Gourmet Cooking & Living, Sabrina Notaricola at Urbani Truffle, Chef/ owner Marcello Russodivito at Marcello’s Gourmet Chef /owner Raffaele Ronca at Rafele Ristorante New York, Chef /owner Giuseppe Mazzeo at Zagara Ristorante New York Chef /owner Giancarlo Ferraro at Amalfi Ristorante in Houston, Rossella Rago at Cooking with Nonna Federico Calce at Federico Hair Salon, Francesca Montanile at MIZU Salon, Azadeh Forever Javoon Frank Guerrera Punzone Organic Vodka. In August 2017 Hurricane Harvey hit Houston and Americans try to help in any way possible.